Important Safety Information
A n tidepressants can increase
suicidal th o u g h ts and behaviors
in ch ild re n , teens, and young
a d u lts. C all yo u r d o cto r rig h t
aw ay if you have new o r
worsening depression symptoms,
unusual changes in behavior, or
thoughts of suicide. Be especially
o b se rva n t w ith in the firs t few
m o n th s o f treatm ent o r after a
change in dose. A pproved o n ly
fo r a d u lts 18 and over.
You should not take Cymbalta
if you have recently taken a type
of antidepressant called an MAOI
or Mellaril® (thioridazine) or have
uncontrolled glaucoma. Talk to
your doctor about any medical
conditions you may have, including
kidney problems, glaucoma, or
diabetes. Severe liver problems,
sometimes fatal, have been
reported, so talk to your doctor if
you have itching, right upper belly
pain, dark urine, yellow skin/eyes,
or unexplained flu-like symptoms
while taking Cymbalta. Tell your
doctor about your alcohol use
and discuss all your medicines,
especially those for migraine, to
avoid a potentially life-threatening
condition. Discuss if you are
taking NSAID pain relievers, aspirin,
or blood thinners because use
with Cymbalta may increase
bleeding risk. Consult your doctor
before stopping Cymbalta or
changing the dose. Dizziness or
fainting may occur upon standing.
The most common side effects
of Cymbalta include nausea, dry
mouth, constipation, decreased
appetite, and sleepiness. This is
not a complete list of side effects.
Please see back o f previous
page fo r additional Im po rta n t
S afety Inform ation.
You are e n c o u ra g e d to report
n e g a tiv e s id e e ffe c ts o f
p re sc rip tio n d ru g s to the F D A .
Visit w w w edw atch,
o r c a ll 1-8 0 0 -FD A -10 8 8 .
Ask your doctor about Cymbalta
for fibromyalgia. Cymbalta can help.
healthy you
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Uncomfortable buying frames without
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kelly l. Phillips
A powdery lilac
shade adds class to
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shape; DKNY, "4578
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lenscra fters. com
retro This classic,
bookish shape is
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statement Bold
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frames are hand-
absolutely unique;
Ronit Furst,
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semi- rimless
Delicate tortoiseshell
edging adds shine to
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couture High-end
designer glamour
that's suitable for
everyday wear; Vera
Wang, “V914,” $175;
The Geometry of Glasses
a general rule,
the m ost flattering fram es play against your facial contours to
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shape; square, pick gently curved or oval lenses;
heart-shape, test out fram es that are w ider at the bottom.
If you need assistance with prescription
costs, help may be available. or call 1-888-4PPA-NOW.
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